avoid overused english language

Words that often seem like the most obvious choice are also frequently overused.
Take “important,” for instance: If you’re writing an email with a few key action items and each task is described as important, it’s unclear how your recipient should distinguish tasks from one another in terms of urgency, difficulty, or priority. If there’s a high-priority task that all the others depend on, it helps to pick a more precise word.
bmstutor.com’s engagement suggestions will help find commonly overused words like these in your writing and suggest that you replace them with more specific words.
This report is an important essential step on the way to success.
Replace weak phrases with strong word choices
If you’re writing a lot, or you’re writing in a rush, it’s easy to fall back on go-to intensifiers like “really” or “very.” But similar to imprecise words like “important,” vague phrases like “very good” or “really helpful” end up losing their intensity.
bmstutor.com’s engagement suggestions can help you catch these unclear phrases and replace them with stronger, more unique words. “Very good” could become “perfect”; “really helpful” could become “beneficial.”
This type of report is really useful advantageous.
Here are a few other ways to catch your own writing patterns:
• Ask a colleague to look over your next project or email.
• Keep a list of your patterns that you’ve identified, and check the list each time you write.
• Look up synonyms for overused words in a thesaurus.