WiTricity – Wireless Electricity

WiTricity – Wireless Electricity, these words are simpler said than done. The concept behind this fascinating term is a little complex. However, if you want to understand it, try and picture what I state in the next few lines. Consider two self resonating copper coils of same resonating frequency with a diameter 20 inches each. One copper wire is connected to the power source (WiTricity transmitter), while the other copper wire is connected to the device (WiTricity Receiver).
The electric power from the power source causes the copper coil connected to it to start oscillating at a particular (MHz) frequency. Subsequently, the space around the copper coil gets filled with nonmagnetic radiations. This generated magnetic field further transfers the power to the other copper coil connected to the receiver. Since this coil is also of the same frequency, it starts oscillating at the same frequency as the first coil. This is known as ‘coupled resonance’ and is the principle behind WiTricity.
this concept of wireless electricity is not new. In fact it dates back to the 19th century, when Nikola Tesla used conduction- based systems instead of resonance magnetic fields to transfer wireless power. Further, in 2005, Dave Gerding coined the term WiTricity which is being used by the MIT researchers today. Moreover, we all are aware of the use of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) which is quite well known for wireless transfer of information. In addition, lasers have also been used to transmit energy without wires. However, radio waves are not feasible for power transmissions because the nature of the radiation is such that it spreads across the place, resulting into a large amount of radiations being wasted. And in the case of lasers, apart from requirement of uninterrupted line of sight (obstacles hinders the transmission process), it is also very dangerous.