vlsi interview question-objective type

1. Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer in
(a) binary form (b) ASCII code form (c) decimal form (d) alphanumeric form
2. The original ASCII codes (a) were 7 bits (b) 8 bits (c) represented 256 characters (d) represented 127 characters
3. The ASCII code of ‘A’ is (a) 66D (b) 41H (c) 0100 0010 (d) 0110 0011
4. The ASCII code of ‘0’ (zero) is (a) 48D, (b) 32H (c) 0011 1000 (d) 42H.
5. The 4-bit binary number 0111 represents (a) 15, (b) -7 (c) 7 (d) -1
– The decimal number 255 may be represented by (a) 1111 1111B, (b) 1000
0000B, (c) EEEEH, (d) 0111 1111
-!The 8-bit binary number 1111 1111 represents (a) 255, (b) -255 (c) -127 (d) -1
6. The decimal number 127 may be represented by (a) 1111 1111B, (b) 1000 0000B, (c)
EEH, (d) 0111 1111
7. A byte corresponds to (a) 4 bits (b) 8 bits (c) 16 bits (d) 32 bits
8. The storage required for an image such as an X-ray is approximately (a) a few bytes (b)
a few hundred bytes (c) a few gigabytes (d) in the megabyte range.
9. A gigabyte represents (a) 1 billion bytes (b) 1000 kilobytes (c) 2
3 0
bytes (d) 1024 bytes
10. A megabyte represents (a) 1 million bytes (b) 1000 kilobytes (c) 2
2 0
bytes (d) 1024
11. A Kb corresponds to (a) 1024 bits (b) 1000 bytes (c) 210 bytes (d) 210 bits
12. A superscalar processor has (a) multiple functional units (b) a high clock speed (c) a
large amount of RAM (d) many I/O ports
13. A 32-bit processor has (a) 32 registers (b) 32 I/O devices (c) 32 Mb of RAM (d) a 32-
bit bus or 32-bit registers
14. Information is stored and transmitted inside a computer in (a) binary form (b) ASCII
code form (c) decimal form (d) alphanumeric form
15. The minimum number of bits required to store the hexadecimal number FF is (a) 2, (b)
4, (c) 8, (d) 16