vlsi interview question-objective type-10

191. The average memory access time for a machine with a cache hit rate of 90% where the cache access time is10ns and the memory access time is 100ns is (a) 55ns, (b) 45ns, (c) 90ns, (d) 19ns
192. Which of the following is NOT involved in a memory write operation: (a) MAR, (b)PC, (c)MDR, (d) Data Bus
193. Pipelining improves CPU performance due to(a) reduced memory access time (b) increased clock speed (c) the introduction ofparallellism (d) additional functional units
194. DRAM (a) is used for cache memory (b) is more expensive than SRAM (c) is cheaperthan SRAM (d) is only used at boot up time
195. SRAM (a) is cheaper than DRAM (b) is used at boot up time only (c) is used for cachememory (d) is slower to access than DRAM
196. WYSIWYG is used with reference to (a) screen layout (b) mouse button layout (c)keyboard layout (d) screen images that resemble printed documents
197. A GUI is (a) hardware (b) language interpreter (c) software interface (d) an operatingsystem
199. FTP is (a) used to send email (b) used to browse the Web (c) is part of Netscape (d) is aprotocol for the transfer of files between computers
200. Telnet (a) used to send email (b) uses telephone lines (c) is part of Netscape (d) is aprotocol that allows for remote login
201. Which of the following is an illegal 8086 instruction(a) ret 2 (b) push ax (c) aDd bx, 25000 (d) mov x, ay
202. The read/write line is (a) belongs to the data bus (b) belongs to the control bus (c) belongs to the address bus(d) CPU bus
203. The call instruction stores the return address for a subprogram (a) on the stack (b) in the memory addressregister (c) in the program counter (d) does not involve using the return address
204 The instruction je label is an example of (a) indirect addressing (b) indexed addressing (c) relativeaddressing (d) immediate addressing
205. Given that dl contains ‘x’ which of the following will cause ‘x’ to be displayed:(a) mov ah, 1h (b) mov ah, 2h (c) mov ah, 2h (d) mov ah, 0hint 21h int 20h int 21h int 21h
206. Which of the following will read a character into al:(a) mov ah, 9h (b) mov ah, 2h (c) mov ah, 2h (d) mov ah, 1hint 21h int 20h int 21h int 21h
207. Which of the following will display a string whose address is in the dx register:(a) mov ah, 0h (b) mov ah, 2h (c) mov ah, 9h (d) mov ah, 9hint 21h int 20h int 21h int 22h
208. Which of the following will terminate a program and return to MS-DOS:(a) mov ax, 4c00h(b) mov ax, 4c00h (c) mov dx, 4c00h (d) mov ax, 9hint 20h int 21h int 21h int 22h
209. The cmp instruction modifies the (a) program counter (b) instruction register (c) flags register (d) segmentregister
210. Conditional instructions typically inspect the (a) program counter (b) instruction register (c) flags register (d) accumulator
211.The bp register is typically used for accessing (a) strings (b) memory (c) stack (d) data segment12
212. The ret instruction modifies the (a) instruction register (b) program counter (c) address register (d) flagsregister
213. The sp register is typically used for accessing (a) strings (b) memory (c) stack (d) data segment
214. The call instruction modifies (a) the flags register (b) program counter (c) bp register (d) none of theprevious
215. The call instruction modifies (a) the flags register (b) stack pointer (c) bp register (d) none of the previous
216 The call instruction modifies (a) the program counter and SP register (b) flags register (c) bp register (d)none of the previous
217. The ret instruction modifies the (a) stack pointer (b) bp register (c) instruction register (d) flags register
218. One type of main memory in a PC is called (a) SRAM (b) SDRAM (c) ROM (d) DROM