vlsi interview question-objective type-09

171. The result of mov al, 65 is to store(a) 0100 0010 in al, (b) ASCII code of ‘A’ in al, (c) store 42H in al (d) store 1000 0001 in al
172. The call instruction is used to (a) access subprograms (b) access memory (c) perform I/O (d) access thestack
173. The effect of the following instructionspush axadd ax, 4pop bxmov cx, ax
push bxpop axon the ax register is (a) leave it with its original value (b) add 4 to it (c) clear it (d) double it
174. To copy the hexadecimal number A to the bh register you write(a) mov 0bh, ah (b) mov bh, 0ah (c) mov bh, ah (d) mov bh, [ah]1010
175. The effect of the following instructionsmov ah, 2hint 21his to (a) read a character into al (b) read a character into dl (c) display the character in al (d) display thecharacter in dl
176. The effect of the following instructionsmov ah, 1hint 21his to (a) read a character into al (b) read a character into dl (c) display the character in al (d) display the characterin dl
177. Given that al contains the ASCII code of an uppercase letter, it can be converted to lowercase by (a) add al,32 (b) sub al, 32 (c) or al, 1101 1111 (d) and al, 0010 0000
178. Given that al contains the ASCII code of a lowercase letter, it can be converted to uppercase by (a) add al, 32(b) sub al, 32 (c) or al, 1101 1111 (d) and al, 0010 0000
179. Given that al contains the ASCII code of an uppercase letter, it can be converted to lowercase by (a) add al,30 (b) sub al, 30 (c) or al, 0010 0000 (d) and al, 0010 0000
180. Given that al contains the ASCII code of a lowercase letter, it can be converted to uppercase by (a) add al, 32(b) sub al, 30 (c) or al, 1101 1111 (d) and al, 1101 1111
181 The instruction jg operates with (a) unsigned numbers (b) 2’s complement numbers (c) floating pointnumbers (d) ASCII codes
182 The instruction ja operates with (a) unsigned numbers (b) signed numbers (c) floating point numbers (d)ASCII codes
183 The instruction mov str[si], ‘a’ is an example of (a) indirect addressing (b) indexed addressing (c)direct addressing (d) register addressing
184 The instruction mov ax, [bx] is an example of (a) indirect addressing (b) indexed addressing (c) directaddressing (d) based addressing
185 The instruction je label is an example of (a) indirect addressing (b) indexed addressing (c) relativeaddressing (d) immediate addressing
186. The word size of an 8086 processor is a) 8 bits (b) 16 bits (c) 32 bits (d) 64 bits
187. The code used to boot up a computer is stored in (a) RAM (b) ROM (c) PROM and (d) EPROM
188. In accessing a disk block the longest delay is due to (a) rotation time (b) seek time (c) transfer time (d) clockspeed
189. Given that putc displays a character, the following codemov al, ‘a’
add al, 2and al, 1101 1111
call putcis to (a) display 2 (b) display ‘c’ (c) display ‘C’ (d) display ‘A’
190. Given that bl contains ‘B’ the effect of the following codeor bl, 0010 0000add bl, 2
is to (a) clear bl, (b) store ‘b’ in bl (c) store 0110 0001 in bl (d) store ‘d’ in bl11