vlsi interview question-objective type-08

151. A data movement instruction will (a) modify the status register (b) modify the stack pointer (c) modify the
program counter (d) transfer data from one location to another
152. The memory address register is used to store (a) data to be transferred to memory (b) data that has been
transferred from memory (c) the address of a memory location (d) an instruction that has been transferred from
153. The memory data register is used to store (a) data to be transferred to or from memory (b) data to be
transferred to the stack (c) the address of a memory location (d) an instruction that has been transferred from
154. The instruction register stores (a) an instruction that has been decoded (b) an instruction that has been
fetched from memory (c) an instruction that has been executed (d) the address of the next instruction to be
155. The program counter (a) stores the address of the instruction that is currently being executed (b) stores the
next instruction to be executed (c) stores the address of the next instruction to be executed (d) stores the
instruction that is being currently executed.
156. The stack pointer stores (a) the address of the stack in memory (b) address of the last item pushed on the
stack (c) the address of the next free stack location (d) the address of the last item popped from the stack99
157. The read/write line is (a) belongs to the data bus (b) belongs to the control bus (c) belongs to the address bus
(d) CPU bus
158. The instruction inc I where I is a memory variable involves (a) a memory read operation (b) a memory
write operation (c) a memory read and a memory write operation (c) only an arithmetic operation
159. Memory mapped I/O involves (a) transferring information between memory locations (b) transferring
information between registers and memory (c) transferring information between the CPU and I/O devices in the
same way as between the CPU and memory (d) transferring information between I/O devices and memory
160. Busy waiting is a technique (a) to allow the CPU wait for a busy device (b) to allow a busy device wait for the
CPU (c) to keep an idle device busy (d) improve CPU performance
161. A hardware interrupt is (a) also called an internal interrupt (b) also called an external interrupt (c) an I/O
interrupt (d) a clock interrupt
162. An assembly language program is typically
(a) non-portable (b) shorter than an equivalent HLL program (c) harder to read than a machine code program (d)
slower to execute than a compiled HLL program
163. Programs are written in assembly language because they (a) run faster than HLL programs (b) are portable
(c) easier to write than machine code programs (d) they allow the programmer access to registers or instructions
that are not usually provided by a HLL
164. An assembly language program is translated to machine code by (a) an assembler (b) a compiler (c) an
interpreter (d) a linker
165. An assembly language directive is (a) the same as an instruction (b) used to define space for variables (c)
used to start a program (d) to give commands to an assembler
166. Which of the following is not an MASM directive (a) .stack (b) db (c) .model (d) call
167. When a program is translated by the MASM assembler, the machine code is stored in a file with the extension
(a) .lis (b) .obj (c) .exe (d) .out
167a. The output of the linker (LINK command) is stored in a file with the extension (a) .lis (b) .obj (c) .exe (d).lnk
168. Which of the following is not part of the processor(a) the ALU (b) the CU (c) the registers (d) the system bus
169. Which of the following variables uses the most amount of RAM:(a) x db 255 (b) y db 80 dup(ā€˜Zā€™) (c) z dw 50 dup(0) (d) small dd 40 dup(0)
170. Which of the following defines a constant Max(a) Max db 80 (b) Max equ 80 (c) Max dw 80 (d) mov Max, 80