verilog model of lna

`include “discipline.h”
`include “constants.h”
*********** based on Cadence manual
// Based on the OVI Verilog-A Language Reference Manual, version 1.0 1996
// – lna
// in: input node
// out: output node
// INSTANCE parameters
//    NF             = noise figure [dB]
//    IP3            = input referenced IP3 [dBm]
//    gain           = S21 (power gain) [dB]
//    isolation      = S12 [dB]
//    rin            = input impedance [Ohm]
//    rout           = output impedance [Ohm]
//    gammain        = input return loss [dB]
//    mismatch       = mismatch of input. 1: high end, input impedance > Z0
//                                        -1: low end, input impedance < Z0
//    gammaout       = output return loss [dB]
//    cin            = parasitic input capacitance [pF]
//    cout           = parasitic parallel output cap [pF]
// MODEL parameters
//    {none}
In this model, the linear network is contructed from the S
parameters that are described by the gain(s21), isolation(s12), and
gammain and gammaout. Those S parameters are referenced to the real
part of the input and output impedances. An equivalent circuit is built
internally. The only nonlinear effect is on the s21 (or gain) that is
characterized by a polynomial. The coefficients of this polynomial is
contructed from gain and IP3.
`define db20_real(x)  (pow(10, (x)/20))
`define db10_real(x)  (pow(10, (x)/10))
// definition of capacitance
`define CAP(p, n, val) I(p,n) <+ val*ddt(V(p,n))
`define CAPG(p, val) I(p) <+ val*ddt(V(p))
module lna(in, out);
inout in, out;
electrical in, out;
parameter real nf = 2 from [0:inf);
parameter real ip3 = -10;
parameter real gain = 15 from [0:inf);
parameter real isolation = 200 from (0:inf);
parameter real rin = 50 from (0:inf);
parameter real cin = 0 from [0:100];
parameter real rout = 50 from (0:inf);
parameter real cout = 0 from [0:100];
parameter real gammain = -150 from (-inf:0];
parameter real mismatch = 1 from [-1:1] exclude (-1:1);
parameter real gammaout=-150 from (-inf:0];
real      a1,a2;
real      s11, s12, s21, s22;
// suppose y=c1*x+c3*x^3
real      rip3, c3;      // real ip3, and c3
real      rnf;           // real NF
real      noise_current;
electrical in_int, out_int;
analog begin
@(initial_step(“static”) or initial_step(“pss”) or
initial_step(“pdisto”)) begin
// unfold the S parameters from dB to real values
s11 = `db20_real(gammain);
s11 = s11*mismatch;
s22 = `db20_real(gammaout);
s21 = -`db20_real(gain);
s12 = `db20_real(-isolation);
// note ip3 is in dBm!
rip3 = `db10_real(ip3-30);
// Note rip3 is already power, while textbook formula is about
// the square root of the power (plus a factor of 2)!
// so, 2 is the factor because complex voltage in Spectre is the
// peak-peak value, 4 is because a1 is twice the real power limit
c3  = 4.0/3.0*s21/(2*rip3*4);
// noise current
rnf = `db10_real(nf);
noise_current = 2*sqrt((rnf-1)*1.380620e-23*$temperature/rin);
// calculate the normalized incident waves: a1, a2
a1 = V(in)/sqrt(rin) + I(in, in_int)*sqrt(rin);
a2 = V(out)/sqrt(rout) + I(out, out_int)*sqrt(rout);
// input: parallel Rin, Cin, and controlled current from a2
// be careful about the sign of the controlled source
`CAPG(in_int, cin*1e-9);
I(in_int) <+ V(in)/rin*(1-s11)/(1+s11);
I(in_int) <+ -a2*s12/(sqrt(rin)*(1+s11));
// output: parallel Rout, Cout, and controlled current from a1
`CAPG(out_int, cout*1e-9);
I(out_int) <+ V(out)/rout*(1-s22)/(1+s22);
// limit the input power
if(a1 > sqrt(s21/(3*c3)) )
a1 = sqrt(s21/(3*c3));
else if(a1 < -sqrt(s21/(3*c3)))
a1 = -sqrt(s21/(3*c3));
// add in third order contribution
I(out_int) <+ -(a1*s21-a1*a1*a1*c3)/(sqrt(rout)*(1+s22));
// Noise contribution
// note the noise_current^2. Becareful about the noise input!
// funny enough, if I use I(in_int) <+ , then it fails!
I(in) <+ white_noise(noise_current*noise_current, “lna”);
endmodule // lna