UV ultra violet ray Sensors

UV sensors measure the power or intensity of incident ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This form of electromagnetic radiation has shorter wavelengths than visible radiation, but is still longer than x-rays. UV sensors are used for determining exposure to ultraviolet radiation in laboratory or environmental settings. They are transmitters which respond to one type of energy signal by producing energy signals of a different type. Generally, these output signals are electrical signals that are routed directly to an electrical meter for observation and recording. The generated electrical signals from UV sensors can also be sent to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and then to a computer with software for generating graphs and reports.
There are many types of UV sensors. Examples include UV phototubes, light sensors, and UV spectrum sensors. UV phototubes are radiation-sensitive sensors that are used for monitoring UV air treatments, UV water treatments, and solar irradiance. Light sensors are general-purpose devices for measuring the intensity of incident light. UV spectrum sensors are charged coupled devices (CCD) that are used in scientific photography. These UV sensors are also used for measuring the portion of the UV spectrum which sunburns human skin. Ultraviolet light detectors, germicidal UV detectors, and photostability sensors are also commonly available.