Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas- free e book

Conventional microstrip antennas in general have a conducting patch printed on a grounded microwave substrate, and have the attractive features of low profile, light weight, easy fabrication, and conformability to mounting hosts [1]. However, microstrip antennas inherently have a narrow bandwidth, and bandwidth enhancement is usually demanded for practical applications. In addition, applications in present-day mobile communication systems usually require smaller antenna size in order to meet the miniaturization requirements of mobile units. Thus, size reduction and bandwidth enhancement are becoming major design considerations for practical applications of microstrip antennas. For this reason, studies to achieve compact and broadband operations of microstrip antennas have greatly increased. Much significant progress in the design of compact microstrip antennas with broadband, dual-frequency, dualpolarized, circularly polarized, and gain-enhanced operations have been reported over the past several years. In addition, various novel broadband microstrip antenna designs with dual-frequency, dual-polarized, and circularly polarized operations have been published in the open literature. This book organizes and presents these recently reported novel designs for compact and broadband microstrip antennas.

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