bjt 4

common-emitter amplifier
vinput 1 5 sin (0 1.5 2000 0 0)
vbias 5 0 dc 2.3
r1 1 2 1k
q1 3 2 0 mod1
rspkr 3 4 8
v1 4 0 dc 15
.model mod1 npn
.tran 0.02m 0.78m
.plot tran v(1,0) i(v1)

With the bias voltage source of 2.3 volts in place, the transistor remains in its active mode throughout the entire cycle of the wave, faithfully reproducing the waveform at the speaker. Notice that the input voltage (measured between nodes 1 and 0) fluctuates between about 0.8 volts and 3.8 volts, a peak-to-peak voltage of 3 volts just as expected (source voltage = 1.5 volts peak). The output (speaker) current varies between zero and almost 300 mA, 180o out of phase with the input (microphone) signal.
The following illustration is another view of the same circuit, this time with a few oscilloscopes (“scopemeters”) connected at crucial points to display all the pertinent signals:

The need for biasing a transistor amplifier circuit to obtain full waveform reproduction is an important consideration. A separate section of this chapter will be devoted entirely to the subject biasing and biasing techniques. For now, it is enough to understand that biasing may be necessary for proper voltage and current output from the amplifier.
Now that we have a functioning amplifier circuit, we can investigate its voltage, current, and power gains. The generic transistor used in these SPICE analyses has a β of 100, as indicated by the short transistor statistics printout included in the text output (these statistics were cut from the last two analyses for brevity’s sake):

type npn
is 1.00E-16
bf 100.000
nf 1.000
br 1.000
nr 1.000

β is listed under the abbreviation “bf,” which actually stands for “beta, forward”. If we wanted to insert our own β ratio for an analysis, we could have done so on the .model line of the SPICE netlist.
Since β is the ratio of collector current to base current, and we have our load connected in series with the collector terminal of the transistor and our source connected in series with the base, the ratio of output current to input current is equal to beta. Thus, our current gain for this example amplifier is 100, or 40 dB.
Voltage gain is a little more complicated to figure than current gain for this circuit. As always, voltage gain is defined as the ratio of output voltage divided by input voltage. In order to experimentally determine this, we need to modify our last SPICE analysis to plot output voltage rather than output current so we have two voltage plots to compare:

common-emitter amplifier
vinput 1 5 sin (0 1.5 2000 0 0)
vbias 5 0 dc 2.3
r1 1 2 1k
q1 3 2 0 mod1
rspkr 3 4 8
v1 4 0 dc 15
.model mod1 npn
.tran 0.02m 0.78m
.plot tran v(1,0) v(4,3)

Plotted on the same scale (from 0 to 4 volts), we see that the output waveform (“+”) has a smaller peak-to-peak amplitude than the input waveform (“*”), in addition to being at a lower bias voltage, not elevated up from 0 volts like the input. Since voltage gain for an AC amplifier is defined by the ratio of AC amplitudes, we can ignore any DC bias separating the two waveforms. Even so, the input waveform is still larger than the output, which tells us that the voltage gain is less than 1 (a negative dB figure).
To be honest, this low voltage gain is not characteristic to all common-emitter amplifiers. In this case it is a consequence of the great disparity between the input and load resistances. Our input resistance (R1) here is 1000 Ω, while the load (speaker) is only 8 Ω. Because the current gain of this amplifier is determined solely by the β of the transistor, and because that β figure is fixed, the current gain for this amplifier won’t change with variations in either of these resistances. However, voltage gain is dependent on these resistances. If we alter the load resistance, making it a larger value, it will drop a proportionately greater voltage for its range of load currents, resulting in a larger output waveform. Let’s try nother simulation, only this time with a 30 Ω load instead of an 8 Ω load:

common-emitter amplifier
vinput 1 5 sin (0 1.5 2000 0 0)
vbias 5 0 dc 2.3
r1 1 2 1k
q1 3 2 0 mod1
rspkr 3 4 30
v1 4 0 dc 15
.model mod1 npn
.tran 0.02m 0.78m
.plot tran v(1,0) v(4,3)

This time the output voltage waveform is significantly greater in amplitude than the input waveform. Looking closely, we can see that the output waveform (“+”) crests between 0 and about 9 volts: approximately 3 times the amplitude of the input voltage.

We can perform another computer analysis of this circuit, only this time instructing SPICE to analyze it from an AC point of view, giving us peak voltage figures for input and output instead of a time-based plot of the waveforms:

common-emitter amplifier
vinput 1 5 ac 1.5
vbias 5 0 dc 2.3
r1 1 2 1k
q1 3 2 0 mod1
rspkr 3 4 30
v1 4 0 dc 15
.model mod1 npn
.ac lin 1 2000 2000
.print ac v(1,0) v(4,3)

freq v(1) v(4,3)
2.000E+03 1.500E+00 4.418E+00

Peak voltage measurements of input and output show an input of 1.5 volts and an output of 4.418 volts. This gives us a voltage gain ratio of 2.9453 (4.418 V / 1.5 V), or 9.3827 dB.

Because the current gain of the common-emitter amplifier is fixed by β, and since the input and output voltages will be equal to the input and output currents multiplied by their respective resistors, we can derive an equation for approximate voltage gain:

As you can see, the predicted results for voltage gain are quite close to the simulated results. With perfectly linear transistor behavior, the two sets of figures would exactly match. SPICE does a reasonable job of accounting for the many “quirks” of bipolar transistor function in its analysis, hence the slight mismatch in voltage gain based on SPICE’s output.
These voltage gains remain the same regardless of where we measure output voltage in the circuit: across collector and emitter, or across the series load resistor as we did in the last analysis. The amount of output voltage change for any given amount of input voltage will remain the same. Consider the two following SPICE analyses as proof of this. The first simulation is time-based, to provide a plot of input and output voltages. You will notice that the two signals are 180o out of phase with each other. The second simulation is an AC analysis, to provide simple, peak voltage readings for input and output:

common-emitter amplifier
vinput 1 5 sin (0 1.5 2000 0 0)
vbias 5 0 dc 2.3
r1 1 2 1k
q1 3 2 0 mod1
rspkr 3 4 30
v1 4 0 dc 15
.model mod1 npn
.tran 0.02m 0.74m
.plot tran v(1,0) v(3,0)

common-emitter amplifier
vinput 1 5 ac 1.5
vbias 5 0 dc 2.3
r1 1 2 1k
q1 3 2 0 mod1
rspkr 3 4 30
v1 4 0 dc 15
.model mod1 npn
.ac lin 1 2000 2000
.print ac v(1,0) v(3,0)

freq v(1) v(3)
2.000E+03 1.500E+00 4.418E+00

We still have a peak output voltage of 4.418 volts with a peak input voltage of 1.5 volts. The only difference from the last set of simulations is the phase of the output voltage.
So far, the example circuits shown in this section have all used NPN transistors. PNP transistors are just as valid to use as NPN in any amplifier configuration, so long as the proper polarity and current directions are maintained, and the common-emitter amplifier is no exception. The inverting behavior and gain properties of a PNP transistor amplifier are the same as its NPN counterpart, just the polarities are different:

Common-emitter transistor amplifiers are so-called because the input and output voltage points share the emitter lead of the transistor in common with each other, not considering any power supplies.
Transistors are essentially DC devices: they cannot directly handle voltages or currents that reverse direction. In order to make them work for amplifying AC signals, the input signal must be offset with a DC voltage to keep the transistor in its active mode throughout the entire cycle of the wave. This is called biasing.
If the output voltage is measured between emitter and collector on a common-emitter amplifier, it will be 180o out of phase with the input voltage waveform. For this reason, the common-emitter amplifier is called an inverting amplifier circuit.
The current gain of a common-emitter transistor amplifier with the load connected in series with the collector is equal to β. The voltage gain of a common-emitter transistor amplifier is approximately given here:

Where “Rout” is the resistor connected in series with the collector and “Rin” is the resistor connected in series with the base.

The common-collector amplifier

Our next transistor configuration to study is a bit simpler in terms of gain calculations. Called the common-collector configuration, its schematic diagram looks ike this:

It is called the common-collector configuration because (ignoring the power supply battery) both the signal source and the load share the collector lead as a common connection point:

It should be apparent that the load resistor in the common-collector amplifier circuit receives both the base and collector currents, being placed in series with the emitter. Since the emitter lead of a transistor is the one handling the most current (the sum of base and collector currents, since base and collector currents always mesh together to form the emitter current), it would be reasonable to presume that this amplifier will have a very large current gain (maximum output current for minimum input current). This presumption is indeed correct: the current gain for a common-collector amplifier is quite large, larger than any other transistor amplifier configuration. However, this is not necessarily what sets it apart from other amplifier designs.
Let’s proceed immediately to a SPICE analysis of this amplifier circuit, and you will be able to immediately see what is unique about this amplifier:

common-collector amplifier
vin 1 0
q1 2 1 3 mod1
v1 2 0 dc 15
rload 3 0 5k
.model mod1 npn
.dc vin 0 5 0.2
.plot dc v(3,0)

type npn
is 1.00E-16
bf 100.000
nf 1.000
br 1.000
nr 1.000

Unlike the common-emitter amplifier from the previous section, the common-collector produces an output voltage in direct rather than inverse proportion to the rising input voltage. As the input voltage increases, so does the output voltage. More than that, a close examination reveals that the output voltage is nearly identical to te input voltage, lagging behind only about 0.77 volts.
This is the unique quality of the common-collector amplifier: an output voltage that is nearly equal to the input voltage. Examined from the perspective of output voltage change for a given amount of input voltage change, this amplifier has a voltage gain of almost exactly unity (1), or 0 dB. This holds true for transistors of any β value, and for load resistors of any resistance value.
It is simple to understand why the output voltage of a common-collector amplifier is always nearly equal to the input voltage. Referring back to the diode-regulating diode transistor model, we see that the base current must go through the base-emitter PN junction, which is equivalent to a normal rectifying diode. So long as this junction is forward-biased (the transistor conducting current in either its active or saturated modes), it will have a voltage drop of approximately 0.7 volts, assuming silicon construction. This 0.7 volt drop is largely irrespective of the actual magnitude of base current, so we can regard it as being constant:

Given the voltage polarities across the base-emitter PN junction and the load resistor, we see that they must add together to equal the input voltage, in accordance with Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law. In other words, the load voltage will always be about 0.7 volts less than the input voltage for all conditions where the transistor is conducting. Cutoff occurs at input voltages below 0.7 volts, and saturation at input voltages in excess of battery (supply) voltage plus 0.7 volts.
Because of this behavior, the common-collector amplifier circuit is also known as the voltage-follower or emitter-follower amplifier, in reference to the fact that the input and load voltages follow each other so closely.
Applying the common-collector circuit to the amplification of AC signals requires the same input “biasing” used in the common-emitter circuit: a DC voltage must be added to the AC input signal to keep the transistor in its active mode during the entire cycle. When this is done, the result is a non-inverting amplifier:

common-collector amplifier
vin 1 4 sin(0 1.5 2000 0 0)
vbias 4 0 dc 2.3
q1 2 1 3 mod1
v1 2 0 dc 15
rload 3 0 5k
.model mod1 npn
.tran .02m .78m
.plot tran v(1,0) v(3,0)